Found Dog, Alert #82429 Indianapolis, found near On Sargent Rd between 86 and 82nd St., closest to 86

Location Information:

On Sargent Rd between 86 and 82nd St., closest to 86, Summer Estates Drive, Indianapolis, Marion County

Contact Information:

Phone: (317) 281-1183

Found Pet Information:

Date Pet Was Found: 01/25/2025
Type of Pet: Dog
Size of Pet: Medium (25-50 lbs)
Color of Pet: Tri-Color
Approximate Time Pet Was Found: 09:15 am
Gender: Female

Multicolor young dog or puppy with a pink shock collar. One blue eye. Was with a second dog, but that one ran off and we could not get it to come back. We went across the street and into the woods after it, but it would not return. This one was following us around. Dog is currently inside in the basement with our girls, but cannot keep inside too much longer because we have another dog. Hoping to hear from someone soon.

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