Found Dog, Alert #81687 Franklin Township in Indianapolis, found near Hannah & Ferguson

Location Information:

Hannah & Ferguson, Chessington Grove, Franklin Township in Indianapolis, Marion County

Contact Information:

Phone: (317) 373-0650

Found Pet Information:

Date Pet Was Found: 12/30/2024
Type of Pet: Dog
Size of Pet: Medium (25-50 lbs)
Color of Pet: Tri-Color
Approximate Time Pet Was Found: 03:30 pm
Gender: Female

FOUND DOG 🚨 ALERT: Found in Franklin Township in Chessington Grove Neighborhood. She is currently safe and contained until we can find her rightful owners. Proof of photos & or vet records will be required to return to owner!

Contact Information:
Phone: 317-373-0650
Alternate Phone Numbers:

Lost Pet Information:
Type of Pet: Mix breed not sure
Pet Size: Medium ( 30-40lbs)
Color of Pet: Tri Colored & Brindle
Date Pet Was Found: 12-30-24
Approximate Time Pet Was Found: 3:30pm
Gender: Female

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