Cat-sight Sighting, Alert #72506 Indianapolis, missing near 29th & Guilford

Location Information:

29th & Guilford, Monon Yard, Indianapolis, Marion County
Nearest Address of Where Pet was sighted: {Address Where Pet was Seen:54}

Contact Information:

Phone: (317) 384-4499

Pet Sighting Information:

Date Pet Was Seen: 05/16/2024
Pet Type: Cat-sight
Pet Size: Medium (6-8 lbs)
Pet Color: Orange
Approximate Time Pet Was Seen: 05:15 pm

Cat sighting – I’ve been seeing this guy around quite a bit lately. He’s not skittish, like true ferals are, and is comfortably out exploring both day and night. I’ve not been able to get super close to him because my cat is usually with me and not very friendly with most other cats. Despite my guy’s howls at him, this little orange guy followed us down the block and visits my porch semi frequently. He’s not ear tipped, so I’m wondering if he’s already got a care taker and/or might be a lost pet.

I’m a bit over capacity with my personal life at the moment, otherwise I would try to trap him to get scanned and/or TNR-ed. If you recognize him, please let me know! I just want to make sure this sweetie isn’t being missed by someone and/or is already being taken care of by someone.

Found/Seen cat
Medium – 7-10lbs (best guess)
Orange w/some striping
Likely Male
2-4 years old (best guess)
Seen frequently on Guilford Ave & Carrollton Ave, between 28th Street & 29th Street/Sutherland Ave
46205 zip code
Monon Yard neighborhood

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