Found Dog, Alert #70755 Lawrence,Indiana, found near 47th and Richard St.

Location Information:

47th and Richard St., , Lawrence,Indiana, Marion County

Contact Information:

Phone: (463) 209-2719

Found Pet Information:

Date Pet Was Found: 04/09/2024
Type of Pet: Dog
Size of Pet: Small (10-25 lbs)
Color of Pet: Merle
Approximate Time Pet Was Found: 12:00 pm
Gender: Male

I am posting this post because of after two years of this dog coming to my yard and staying for days on end time after time after time. I walked the neighborhood with its picture going door to door but nobody claimed him.
He has new blue collar on this year. After days of him not leaving he kept trying to come inside my house. He attacked my foot when I put my foot in his way when letting my dogs in. I called animal control and they would come out unless I trapped him. So I did and the came and got him. If you know who owns this dog have them contact animal control.

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