Cat-sight Sighting, Alert #61269 Southport Indy, missing near Stop 11 and McFarland

Location Information:

Stop 11 and McFarland, Southwood, Sherbrook, Sherman Oaks, Southport Indy, Marion County
Nearest Address of Where Pet was sighted: Southport, IN

Contact Information:

Phone: (317) 748-8257

Pet Sighting Information:

Date Pet Was Seen: 09/06/2023
Pet Type: Cat-sight
Pet Size: Medium (6-8 lbs)
Pet Color: Orange
Approximate Time Pet Was Seen: 09:30 pm

Cat is very friendly and has been hanging around since yesterday Tuesday 9/5. Very skinny and others mentioned seeing him the week of August 23rd in another part of the neighborhood.

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