Lost Cat, Alert #82697 Charlie missing near Emerson and southeastern, Southeast side46203
Location Information:
Emerson and southeastern, Sunnyview, Southeast side, Marion County
Nearest Address of Where Pet went missing: {Address Where Pet was Lost:54}
Contact Information:
Phone: (765) 343-2248
Lost Pet Information:
Type of Pet: Cat
Pet’s Name: Charlie
Pet Size: Large (9-11 lbs)
Color of Pet: Tan
Date Pet Went Missing: 02/01/2025
Approximate Time Pet Went Missing: 03:30 am
Gender: Male
His face is all dark brown along with his legs tail and balls. The rest of him is a dirty tan type of color. He’s got solid bright blue eyes and he’s only 10 months old. He’s my baby and I want him to come home. If anybody picked him up and thought maybe he was a stray. He isn’t. He’s my world. Please contact me if you see him or have him thank you-