Found Cat, Alert #82152 Indianapolis, found near 61st and Central

Location Information:

61st and Central, , Indianapolis, Marion County

Contact Information:

Phone: (812) 325-6818

Found Pet Information:

Date Pet Was Found: 01/14/2025
Type of Pet: Cat
Size of Pet: Medium (6-8 lbs)
Color of Pet: Calico
Approximate Time Pet Was Found: 06:30 am
Gender: Female

Young sweet calico found in the Broad Ripple area on 61st St. She is very sweet, has claws but doesn’t use them, likes to be held and pet. She is likely pregnant from what I can tell, but I haven’t been able to take her to a vet check. Young, I wouldn’t put her much past a year old. I don’t know if she’s litterbox trained yet.

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