Dog-sight Sighting, Alert #77694 Indianapolis, missing near Plainfield Ave
Location Information:
Plainfield Ave, Bullfrog trailer crt, Indianapolis, Marion County
Nearest Address of Where Pet was sighted: {Address Where Pet was Seen:54}
Contact Information:
Phone: (317) 282-9431
Pet Sighting Information:
Date Pet Was Seen: 07/19/2001
Pet Type: Dog-sight
Pet Size: Large (50-75 lbs)
Pet Color: Black
Approximate Time Pet Was Seen: 12:45 pm
Description: two black dogs with white on the chest, covered in dry mud, possibly lab mix, one has heterochromia (one eye is a different color than the other), one has a red collar and the other has a green collar. Please leave resources down below for me to contact so someone can have their dogs back home.