Dog-sight Sighting, Alert #70385 South Indy, missing near Southport Rd. & Youngberry

Location Information:

Southport Rd. & Youngberry, , South Indy, Marion County
Nearest Address of Where Pet was sighted: {Address Where Pet was Seen:54}

Contact Information:

Phone: (812) 306-5347

Pet Sighting Information:

Date Pet Was Seen: 04/01/2024
Pet Type: Dog-sight
Pet Size: Large (50-75 lbs)
Pet Color: Grey
Approximate Time Pet Was Seen: 07:00 pm

Two dogs were together running around the neighborhood. One was a bully breed (grey). The other was the leader and made the decisions, this dog was black brown and white, taller than the bully, maybe a beagle mix? They were very shy, the smaller one wanted to come to me but the bigger one wouldn’t. Sorry the photos are so blurry they were taken from our house camera.

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