Dog-sight Sighting, Alert #70324 Indianapolis, missing near 86th and Westfield on Monon

Location Information:

86th and Westfield on Monon, Next to Notch at Nora on Monon, Indianapolis, Marion County
Nearest Address of Where Pet was sighted: {Address Where Pet was Seen:54}

Contact Information:

Phone: (812) 344-6277

Pet Sighting Information:

Date Pet Was Seen: 03/31/2024
Pet Type: Dog-sight
Pet Size: Medium (25-50 lbs)
Pet Color: Black
Approximate Time Pet Was Seen: 09:00 am

White with brown areas. Looks to have an electric collar. Seems sweet but very scared. He/she wanted to come but it came at me a bit to scare me off. It kept going south on the Monon from 86th st between Kroger and Notch at Nora. It just kept going away from me. Tried to lure him/her.

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