Dog-sight Sighting, Alert #68009 Indianapolis, missing near 46th St and Rosslyn

Location Information:

46th St and Rosslyn, Arsenal Park/Sobro, Indianapolis, Marion County
Nearest Address of Where Pet was sighted: 4923 Primrose Av

Contact Information:

Phone: (317) 847-2733

Pet Sighting Information:

Date Pet Was Seen: 02/06/2024
Pet Type: Dog-sight
Pet Size: Medium (25-50 lbs)
Pet Color: Black
Approximate Time Pet Was Seen: 01:10 pm

Dog sighting:
On 2/6/24 at about 1:10 PM there was an intact male dog running south from 49th and Primrose. He crossed 46th near Rosslyn. He looked like a terrier or schnauzer mix with wiry fur that had gray, black and tan. He appeared to be losing fur on his tail and looked thin. The dog weighed about 25 to 30 pounds and was small to medium sized. He had a teal collar but I couldn’t see tags. I didn’t have my phone with me to get a picture. I couldn’t get close enough to guess his age. I tried to get him into my car but he bolted. He was running southwest from 46th and Rosslyn.

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