Found Cat, Alert #66115 Indianapolis, just south of Fishers line, found near Hague Rd and Sargent Rd

Location Information:

Hague Rd and Sargent Rd, The Villages, Castleton Estates, Hunters Ridge (?), Indianapolis, just south of Fishers line, Marion County

Contact Information:

Phone: (317) 909-7501

Found Pet Information:

Date Pet Was Found: 12/16/2023
Type of Pet: Cat
Size of Pet: Medium (6-8 lbs)
Color of Pet: White
Approximate Time Pet Was Found: 12:45 pm
Gender: Unknown

DECEASED CAT • I was driving and spotted a cat that was unfortunately hit and deceased on the road. It was mainly white and looked fluffy and was probably a very beautiful pet kitty! Graphic: but it did appear that it had been run over since first being hit and potentially the head damaged further. I’d imagine this was someone’s pet and wanted to share in case they’d been looking and wanted to get their sweet pet to lay to rest.

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