Lost Cat, Alert #64156 Zinger missing near N High School and Wedgewood Way, Northwest Indy, off High School Rd., near W 38th St46254

Location Information:

N High School and Wedgewood Way, Eagle Creek Salvation Army, Northwest Indy, off High School Rd., near W 38th St, Marion County
Nearest Address of Where Pet went missing:

Contact Information:

Phone: (440) 669-5220

Lost Pet Information:

Type of Pet: Cat
Pet’s Name: Zinger
Pet Size: Large (9-11 lbs)
Color of Pet: Orange
Date Pet Went Missing: 11/02/2023
Approximate Time Pet Went Missing: 06:00 pm
Gender: Male

Zinger is a big, fluffy orange tabby. He is very friendly and can be talkative. He has a collar with a tag with his name and my phone number on it.


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