Lost Dog, Alert #57571 Logan missing near S East St, Indianapolis46227

Location Information:

S East St, Capital place apartments and Pine Glen Apartments, Indianapolis, Marion County
Nearest Address of Where Pet went missing:

Contact Information:

Phone: (463) 253-7343

Lost Pet Information:

Type of Pet: Dog
Pet’s Name: Logan
Pet Size: X-Small (10 lbs & under)
Color of Pet: Tri-Color
Date Pet Went Missing: 06/19/2023
Approximate Time Pet Went Missing: 08:30 pm
Gender: Male

He is energetic but mostly shy, he doesn’t like too many people around him. He was in our backyard but there were too many people so he got scared and decided to run away, we almost got him but he went ahead and crossed the highway all the way to kroger


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