Lost Dog, Alert #52221 Skye missing near 116th and Lantern Road. Near I-69., Downtown Fishers46038

Location Information:

116th and Lantern Road. Near I-69., Heritage Meadows, Downtown Fishers, Hamilton County
Nearest Address of Where Pet went missing:

Contact Information:

Phone: (317) 956-4443

Lost Pet Information:

Type of Pet: Dog
Pet’s Name: Skye
Pet Size: Medium (25-50 lbs)
Color of Pet: Tri-Color
Date Pet Went Missing: 02/20/2023
Approximate Time Pet Went Missing: 08:00 am
Gender: Female

Medium sized Siberian husky. Skinny build. Huge ears. Tan/white/red coloring. Icy blue eyes. Loves people and dogs. Not declawed.


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