Found Other Pet, Alert #77489 Near eastside, found near N Parker and Michigan st

Location Information:

N Parker and Michigan st, Englewood, Near eastside, Marion County

Contact Information:

Phone: (463) 867-8117

Found Pet Information:

Date Pet Was Found: 09/13/2024
Type of Pet: Other Pet
Size of Pet:
Color of Pet: Other (leave in description)
Approximate Time Pet Was Found: 02:30 pm
Gender: Unknown

Large pet rabbit

Proof of ownership required

Found Other Pet, Alert #77135 Lawrence, found near Hess Ave and Post Rd

Location Information:

Hess Ave and Post Rd, Ft Ben Financial Center, Lawrence, Marion County

Contact Information:

Phone: (317) 798-5834

Found Pet Information:

Date Pet Was Found: 09/05/2024
Type of Pet: Other Pet
Size of Pet:
Color of Pet: Blue
Approximate Time Pet Was Found: 08:00 pm
Gender: Unknown

Proof of ownership required! Blue, black, and white parakeet found at Lawrence Soccer Park.

Found Other Pet, Alert #77134 Lawrence, found near Hess Ave and Post Rd

Location Information:

Hess Ave and Post Rd, Ft Ben Financial Center, Lawrence, Marion County

Contact Information:

Phone: (317) 798-5834

Found Pet Information:

Date Pet Was Found: 09/05/2024
Type of Pet: Other Pet
Size of Pet:
Color of Pet: Blue
Approximate Time Pet Was Found: 08:00 pm
Gender: Unknown

Proof of ownership required! Blue, black, and white parakeet found at Lawrence Soccer Park.

Found Other Pet, Alert #77118 Plainfield, found near Shadowbrook Dr.

Location Information:

Shadowbrook Dr., Westmere Subdivision, Plainfield, Hendricks County

Contact Information:

Phone: (317) 495-4797

Found Pet Information:

Date Pet Was Found: 08/16/2024
Type of Pet: Other Pet
Size of Pet:
Color of Pet: Other (leave in description)
Approximate Time Pet Was Found: 08:00 pm
Gender: Unknown

Gray rabbit, believed to be a male, very friendly, must show proof of ownership.

Found Other Pet, Alert #76870 INDIANAPOLIS, found near 28th Gale St

Location Information:

28th Gale St, , INDIANAPOLIS, Marion County

Contact Information:

Phone: (317) 726-9817

Found Pet Information:

Date Pet Was Found: 08/28/2024
Type of Pet: Other Pet
Size of Pet:
Color of Pet: Brown
Approximate Time Pet Was Found: 08:30 am
Gender: Unknown

I woke up to a rooster on my back porch on my dryer and it’s just been sitting there

Found Other Pet, Alert #76655 Indianapolis, found near Fall Creek & Shadeland

Location Information:

Fall Creek & Shadeland, Timber Point Apartments, Indianapolis, Marion County

Contact Information:

Phone: (317) 529-9929

Found Pet Information:

Date Pet Was Found: 08/22/2024
Type of Pet: Other Pet
Size of Pet:
Color of Pet: Other (leave in description)
Approximate Time Pet Was Found: 08:00 pm
Gender: Unknown

Found this white and gray/brown rabbit outside my apartment building. It’s very friendly and seems to be well taken care of.

Found Other Pet, Alert #76645 Brownsburg, found near 700 and raceway

Location Information:

700 and raceway, Sonora, Brownsburg, Hendricks County

Contact Information:

Phone: (317) 605-0201

Found Pet Information:

Date Pet Was Found: 08/22/2024
Type of Pet: Other Pet
Size of Pet:
Color of Pet: Other (leave in description)
Approximate Time Pet Was Found: 06:30 pm
Gender: Unknown

Colorful parrot found. Possible mini macaw or conure. Proof of ownership required.

Found Other Pet, Alert #76624 Indianapolis, found near Shadeland and 16th

Location Information:

Shadeland and 16th, , Indianapolis, Marion County

Contact Information:

Phone: (317) 853-9464

Found Pet Information:

Date Pet Was Found: 08/22/2024
Type of Pet: Other Pet
Size of Pet:
Color of Pet: Green
Approximate Time Pet Was Found: 12:45 pm
Gender: Unknown

Budgie. Has blue tag on foot.number 45. It clearly a let it from a shop. It’s flying around Crownpointe Indianapolis assisted living on 16th street

Found Other Pet, Alert #76270 Holcomb Gardens Butler University, found near Holcomb Gardens

Location Information:

Holcomb Gardens, , Holcomb Gardens Butler University, Marion County

Contact Information:

Phone: (317) 345-4473

Found Pet Information:

Date Pet Was Found: 08/13/2024
Type of Pet: Other Pet
Size of Pet:
Color of Pet: Green
Approximate Time Pet Was Found: 07:00 pm
Gender: Unknown

Green parakeet

Found Other Pet, Alert #76137 Fountain Square neighborhood of Indianapolis, found near Evison St & Orange St

Location Information:

Evison St & Orange St, Fountain Square, Fountain Square neighborhood of Indianapolis, Marion County

Contact Information:

Phone: (317) 495-5086

Found Pet Information:

Date Pet Was Found: 08/10/2024
Type of Pet: Other Pet
Size of Pet:
Color of Pet: Blue
Approximate Time Pet Was Found: 04:00 pm
Gender: Unknown

Blue/white parrot